My fitness journey began in college as I was studying for my BS in Kinesiology at Angelo State University. As I worked on developing a traditional fitness background in strength training and conditioning, I was oblivious to other training methods that might truly interest me and prove to be more beneficial. As I began my fitness career, I went on to explore various group fitness formats and broadened my knowledge of anatomy and physiology. With this expanded skillset, I was then able to start training my clients around compound movements rather than the typical isolated means of training. I also started noticing my own movement limitations, the restricted range of motion in my joints and the aches and pains in my knees and lower back. At this point, I had completed numerous courses, obtained various certifications and earned a college degree, but I still had not discovered the fundamental component to training the body in the way it was intended to, as a human. It was clear that I had to continue changing my training approach and search for answers.

Once I moved to Austin, I started specializing in athletic exercise, corrective exercise, myofascial release, and movement prep. I came across Functional Patterns after researching about these things I wanted to start training in, and it was clear that FP was the standard I was seeking. FP was offering a solution to prioritize training around the biological blueprint. The information it brought forward was a holistic approach to training the human body, and challenged me to relearn everything I thought I knew. Needing help, I reached out to Nina Chou and she started me from the ground up, dropping old habits of training and exercise. Slowly but surely, simply through myofascial release and breathing mechanics, my joint pains subsided, and I had an improved structural integrity. 

Through FP, I have finally found a methodology that provides results. It is the only training system I use for myself and my clients. FP has helped me produce muscle-mass gain and retention, corrected my posture, improved my running and my overall athletic performance. I have been moving pain free for almost four years with FP, and now my professional goal is to keep training each client intentionally, not habitually.