Jalene Novotny

My fitness journey as a kid and young adult was wide and varied, trying lots of different sports, dance, cheerleading and the like, ultimately enjoying soccer, softball, volleyball, but nothing stuck quite like basketball.

I loved the dynamic team nature, the need to see the whole picture and solve problems in real time through motion. You have to see something before it happens and make good decisions in order to facilitate that happening. Those skills have been invaluable throughout my life.

Solving problems in sports translated over to my academic life, and I chose a path in engineering, obtaining my degree in chemical and biomedical engineering from Colorado School of Mines. Health, biology, and systems-thinking became my passions and I’ve followed those in various ways throughout my professional life. The drive to solve real problems is what helped me see that a lot of conventional allopathic models of treating symptoms was not, in fact, solving any problems at the root level.

My journey into learning about human health initially sent be down the path of nutrition and then into ecosystem and soil health. I learned how we truly are only as healthy as the environment around us. This includes the food we eat, the way it shapes and moves our bodies, and the people, ideas, and values we see and embody.

I found my way to FP Texas initially as a client. Working through my own pain and imbalances and then continuing to challenge my athletic performance was a transformative journey. The changes I started seeing in myself and what I was learning about the biomechanics of the body was profound. I was also truly inspired by the culture of FP Texas and the level of leadership and desire to learn and improve oneself that I experienced from everyone there. And with that, I chose to make a career shift and dedicated myself to helping others live their most optimal, pain-free lives.

In addition to human biomechanics and physiology, I’m also passionate about nutrition, regenerative agriculture, and women’s health.