I grew up always being a health conscious person, athletic and coined as a fitness junkie. Playing soccer competitively, running tough mudders and 5Ks for years throughout high school and college, my fitness journey eventually turned to exploring other training modalities. In my twenties, I started programming my own bodybuilding workouts and discovered how to train various muscle groups. I was on a mission to help improve my overall health and wellness, increase my strength and power, and eager to learn human physiology. Spending hours in the gym led me to bootcamp classes, powerlifting and different workout styles to figure out which regimen felt best for my body.

Recommendations and research encouraged me to add in weekly routines of yoga, chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy; thinking at the time this would combat tightness and muscle soreness I was experiencing due to my taxing workouts. Unfortunately, my workouts were worsening my scoliosis and metatarsus adductus (aka pigeon toe)...and I could not understand why or how. I remember loving the strength training and intensity of circuits...but feeling setbacks due to my dependency on rehabilitative measures, such as stretching and physical therapy.

Per my usual quest navigating the fitness industry, I joined a new gym and it was there that I accidently stumbled upon Functional Patterns. The instructor showcased how to perform a plank, using proper posture and breathing techniques that torched my core. I was introduced to the concept of myofascial release (MFR) to alleviate the feeling of tight muscles and restrictions on the body. The FP methodology had me hooked and I started training with FP practitioners in New York. The practitioners analyzed my posture, gait cycle, and movement patterns to help me better understand how my body needed to work and improve my athleticism. FP showed me how to strengthen and condition my body in ways that made sense, and tap into muscle groups I never even knew I had.

After a lifetime of following different fitness methods, I was feeling frustrated and confused with the conflicting dogmas. Once I dove into the FP practice, and felt the improved lifestyle in myself, I was inspired to help others on their fitness journey. I took the FP Human Foundations course in Florida and became a certified practitioner. Soon after, I jumped on the opportunity to move Texas and join the FP Texas team on their mission to help clients move pain free. Whether it’s losing weight, gaining lean muscle mass, improving your athletic needs, or addressing joint pain...I have the tools and resources to help you. Not only has FP improved my dramatic “S” curved scoliosis, but my body can breathe deeper…run faster…box harder…and move better than I have ever experienced.

Give FP a try and let's get moving intentionally, not habitually.